Sunday, December 7, 2014

Ho Ho HO from Room 12


                                             The children are rocking it up.  Miss King is
                                             really into Christmas music with drums.  Mr Morgan is learning the drums ... maybe he wants Santa to bring him some for xmas :)  Room 11 and 12 children are very lucky to have a drum kit and they wish you a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

              Junior school Cross country tomorrow at 11:30   


Sunday, August 17, 2014

Arian shares a poem about Jack

A poem about  Jack

One day Jacks mum said "Get rid of this cow,  take her to the market  just do it right now!
sell her for money get as much as you can but on the way there Jack met an old man.
Jack came home from town with some magic beans.
The man told Jack they will answer dreams.
but the beanstalk grew it grew so high it grew and grew till it reached the sky.


My puppy by Chelsea

An update from Chelsea 

 I got in the speech competition with this poem.  I'm very very excited

It's funny my puppy knows just how I feel.

When I'm happy he's yappy and squirms like an eel.

When I'm grumpy he's slumpy and stays at my heel.

It's funny my puppy knows such a great deal.

by Aileen Fisher                            

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Guess the photo...

guess the photo?

photo a


photo b

photo c

photo d

Welcome to term 3 in Room 12

Here is Mr Morgan with room 12.

Here is Issac drawing.


 This is  room12 doing some writing.

This is some of room 12's space art.

Here is one of room12's group table.

Here is same of room12's sea life art.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Guess the photo

Where were these photos taken?

photo A

photo B
photo C
photo D

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Guess where we are

Where was this photo taken
where was this photo taken

Guess where we are

Where was  this photo taken

Where was this photo taken

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Fun with Room 12

Just before we took some photos it was a great experience..We went in front of the harold bus,and room 12s library  and outside room 12. Conny and Ollie liked it.
They went to Harold today - the Life Education bus and played games about looking after yourself.  Ollie and Connie think that Harold is just a puppet.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The water cycle. The sun shine on the water and it turns into water vapour, and that is called evaparation. It becomes bigger and hevier, it is called condesation. The rain drop gets bigger and bigger and it turns into precepitation.

By Jessica
If you put out a pot of water you will see that the water will evaparate because of the sun. Now it's going up to the sky. The the water gets hevier it is called condensation. After the condensation the water goes back down. It is called precipitation.

By Izzy

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Tirohonga Day

On Tirohonga day we went on the bus.Then we put our bags away. Bivvy building
was great.By Ollie


I felt like it was scary because the hill was step.  I saw clouds up up above the hill.  The thump of a snowball I wondered if I could ski.
By Kobe

Chelsea's story

It is my sisters birthday soon.  She is having a minion party.  My sisters name is Phillipa. :)

By Chelsea

This is me :)                             This is a minion:)

Jessica story

I saw a ginger cat. It was walking down the street and it was on the road. Then suddenly a

car came, luckily the silly cat scampered off the road. Then I went inside to play with Arlin :)

By Jessica 

                                          THIS IS ME


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Buddy time

Hi I'm Lily and I'm in Room 12 at East Taieri School and in my class i do buddy time and my favorite type of buddy time is reading my books to my buudy.I just forgot to mention my buddy who is is Sophie Mcdonald in room 6.


In the weekend Addyson from room 12  whent to Moana pool. Her favorite thing to do at the pool was jumping off the side of the pool backwards.

The playground

Hi I'm Vann. I'm 5 years old. I like playing on the play ground and my favourate is the senior play ground.

Rania's weekend

In the weekend I went to the pool it was fun as! I played with my brother. We went to the ice-cream shop, I had a two scoop ice-cream one scoop was bannana chocolate-chip  the other was chocolate.My Nana came around to have an sleep-over. For dinner we had mashed potato and sausages.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Room 12s assembly

Room 12s Assembly
Isobel Emma's favourite Song at the Assembly was  "Lean on me" because we did actions with our friends.

The Hungry Caterpillar

Hi I'm Jessieca
I'm talking about the play that the junior syndicate is doing for the pre school I'm the narrator.
The play is about the Hungry Caterpillar and my friend Connie is the chocolate cake because it suits her well.

Monday, March 3, 2014